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Showing posts from January, 2020


Similarities: Page numbers in the top right corner Double Spaced First line of paragraph indented 1 inch margins Both need a work cited Differences: APA gives one page to everything MLA does in the small left corner of the first page APA includes the school name APA neads a heading for each page APA needs two spaces after punctuation  APA title page 120 words or fewer

What is Assignment 1?

Assignment one we will be writing a paper analyzing at least 6 sources your field of study. Personally I will be finding sources in the field of history. I will probably analyze sources talking about important events or important individuals throughout history. I will look for the purpose of these sources. How do they put bias into these sources or use facts to benefit one side of an argument. I will be able to determine how the author feels about these events or individual. This assignments go back to many previous English assignments before.We are given a text of some sort and we have to analyze it. Try to determine the author's underlying argument and themes occurring throughout the text.

Diagnostic Writing Post

Overall I think I am a somewhat strong writer. One of my strengths is my ability to use evidence from the book and analyze it in my papers. I can find a significant piece of evidence throughout the novel that has significant meaning. I can take this piece of evidence and deepen others understandings of the significance. I can then connect this piece of evidence the meaning throughout the entire novel. Then I can even connect the evidence from the novel to modern day themes in the world or even to other works of literature. However, I do have weaknesses in my writing as well. I think my biggest weakens is grammar or sentence structure. I have difficult with using correct forms of a word that sounds the same. I also struggle with correct use of punctuation. A lot of times my sentences will turn into run on sentences. i also struggle with the spelling of words when typing. Throughout this class I really want to improve my grammar capabilities. I want to be able to use more punctuatio...

Important piece of literature

One novel that I really enjoyed reading was Great Gatsby. I read it my junior year of high school and find it very interesting. I loved how the author used comparison to show the difference between new money and old money. Then I also appreciated the use of symbols throughout the novel such as the green light from across the body of water representing hope. I enjoyed the word choice throughout the novel, where different charters depending on their backgrounds spoke different languages. I also enjoyed the traumatic events that happen throughout the book to give it some character and intensify the overall novel. I also enjoy the flow of the book where it slowly unmask who this mysterious man was that has all these extravagant parties.