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Speech 2

Final speech: Argument: too many people incarcerated in jail with marijuana charges Slide 1: Title slide Slide 2: Introduce problem Slide 3: Introduce facts about the problem:  From 2001-2010 88% of 8.2 million arrests were for just having marijuana  Racist trend: black people are nearly 4 times as likely to be arrested than white people while making up a smaller portion of the country Approx 3.6 billion spent on prisoners busted on marijuana charges Slide 4: solution  Legalize marijuana recreationally Slide 5: How legalizing fixes the problem: It is legal in some states already  Send lots of people back home to their families Spend taxpayer money on other important programs Slide 6:Other benefits: Medical  helps with things like pain and seizures and safer than opioids/tobacco/alcohol Slide 7: other benefits: safety Decrease in death through violence at border and gangs Safer product Slide 8: Eco...
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Speech Rough Draft

Biden Commerical Speech Raise your hand if you’ve seen a political commercial before. If you aren’t raising your hand right now you’re a liar because I just showed you one. Like all commercials, political commercials have a purpose too them. The purpose of this joe Bidden Commerical is to encourage all types of American voters to vote for him as president in this upcoming presidential election. Throughout the commercial, many tactics are used to persude viewers to vote for him. He uses thematic tactics to apply to all types of viewers. Also used is pathos to grab viewers by their emotions and motivating them to vote for Biden. They then use logos to give statistical numbers on why people should vote for him. Lastly, he also uses ethos to claim that important people in society approve of his candidacy.  First I want to talk about some of the thematic parts about the commercial. First I want to point out in the people in the ...

Commerical This is a political commercial for Joe Bidden's political campaign running for president. Throughout the commercial the creators use multiple techniques to persuade you of their ultimate goal, to have your vote for Joe Bidden as a candidate. They use pathos to apply to your emotions. They try to get you angry with the current president in office and want that to change. the show you fights and rallies that many people find disturbing and aggravating. Next, they also use logos to try to persuade you that Biden is the best candidate. they give statistics and facts to convince you that voting for him is the best option. They also use ethos to convince you he is ready for office. they talk about how he served under Barack Obama as V.P. They then go on to say the Obama supports Biden. This use of ethos is having a former president approve of Biden becoming a president. These are three tools they use to convince you to vote for Biden.


Similarities: Page numbers in the top right corner Double Spaced First line of paragraph indented 1 inch margins Both need a work cited Differences: APA gives one page to everything MLA does in the small left corner of the first page APA includes the school name APA neads a heading for each page APA needs two spaces after punctuation  APA title page 120 words or fewer

What is Assignment 1?

Assignment one we will be writing a paper analyzing at least 6 sources your field of study. Personally I will be finding sources in the field of history. I will probably analyze sources talking about important events or important individuals throughout history. I will look for the purpose of these sources. How do they put bias into these sources or use facts to benefit one side of an argument. I will be able to determine how the author feels about these events or individual. This assignments go back to many previous English assignments before.We are given a text of some sort and we have to analyze it. Try to determine the author's underlying argument and themes occurring throughout the text.